
Reasons to Be Thankful This Season for Family


reasons to be thankful self love beauty

Written by contributor writer Hollie Dickman 

November brings us Thanksgiving. A time to stop and think about all the wonderful things we have to be thankful for. As much as we should never stop being thankful, it is great to have a month to completely remind us how thankful we are for all the things we have in our lives.

For me, a constant in my life that I can be unwaveringly thankful for is my family. My family has supported me every step of my life and has let me continue to grow into the person I am today.

“Sometimes, I forget to thank the people who make my life so happy in so many ways. Sometimes, I forget to tell them how much I really do appreciate them for being an important part of my life. So thank you, all of you, just for being here for me.”

We each have our own relationships, sometimes those relationships I have taken for granted of or forgot to tell those around me just how much they actually mean to me.

 My Sister

My sister is four years older than me, but we always joke that I should’ve been the eldest because she is always begging for my mac and cheese, to have a slumber party, for me to sew her shirts, etc.

But, watching my older sister, I have learned a lot from her and have many reasons to be thankful for her for the things she has taught me:

  • Laugh as loud as you want, wherever you want, whenever you want.
  • How to be strong.
  • Never give up, when you want something work and make it happen.
  • Ice cream fixes everything.
  • Love people for who they are on the inside.
  • If people aren’t good for you, it’s ok to let them go.
  • Always be true to yourself.
  • Wear leggings as pants, they are way more comfy than jeans.
  • Dream big.

The thing about sisters are that no matter how mad they make you when they take your parents’ side instead of yours, or steal your favorite shirt, at the end of the day, you know your sister is always going to pick up the phone when you call, make you smile, and be there for you. Be grateful for her.

My Beautiful Mother

Don’t read this mom it’ll make you cry.

But, that’s the thing; I know she will read it because no matter what crazy idea I have, my mom is always there to back me up. She doesn’t miss a play I’m in, a speech I give, an award I win, or a crazy car trip to Interlochen when I surprised her and moved away for the summer. She is there supporting me no matter what and I know that she always will be.

My mom has taught me:

  • To be a strong independent woman
  • Also that it’s okay not to be strong sometimes
  • Love people deeply
  • Be generous every day with my time, resources and heart; Even when I feel like I’ve given too much.

I would not be the person I am today without such an incredible influence. I am thankful for her.

My Daddy

“Daddy’s girl,” “two peas in a pod,” and “you are your father’s daughter” are all phrases I have heard to describe my dad and me and that couldn’t make me any happier. My mom always says that my dad and I have our own language that we communicate with.

The best thing about my dad is how much he makes me laugh. I could be having the worst possible day and he will just know and say something that will bring a smile to my face every single time, it’s uncanny.

My dad has taught me:

  • How to be a person who cares about others
  • That hard work means means
  • How important it is to do what you love and love what you do
  • To surround myself with people who bring light and love into my life
  • To never stop laughing

I am thankful for him.


My dog I call my true love and my soul mate because she has shown me how to love unconditionally. She teaches me a different type of love and on my hardest days is there for me.  I am thankful for her.

Each member of my family is an incredible person, but together they create something so special because they have made me who I am.

Family doesn’t have to be blood. Family is the people you know will love you no matter what and will be there for you forever.

I am so thankful for mine.